Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

At a party this past New Years I was disappointed that so few folks had resolutions. I was looking forward to hearing some good ones because you can learn much about someone that way. I was let down. I thought about mine quite a bit, and I narrowed it down to a few. I'll share the ones relevant to this blog:

1.) Read 1 book or about 500 pages each month
2.) Find one new artist every two weeks (I learned that his will be easier than expected, so it will be one a week).
3.) Find one new band each week.
4.) See a new movie each week.

I'll be tracking my progress and sharing those here. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Linden said...

I'm always disappointed when no one has resolutions too!

Your resolutions look very interesting--I can't wait to read about your new artists, bands, and movies on your blog! *hint, hint*

Here are my resolutions... They are a little more long-winded than yours....