Monday, February 11, 2008

A few initial thoughts on a few bands

The Annuals: Like 'em. Varied and fun. Maybe similar to Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire, Talking Heads.
Jason Collett: Meh to good. It's Wilco-esque indie alt country. On second thought, there's nothing exciting.
The Walkmen: I like the band, but the singer's overly Bob Dylanisms are too much. I need melody in my vocals.
Kelley Stoltz: This is the White album with different songs. Like it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Big Fat Caucus

Last night (1/5/08) was the Democratic caucus and the first I had attended. The organizers had underestimated turnout to an insane degree. The line outside Asbury Methodist (at 75th and Roe Prairie Village, KS) eventually stretched to my estimate, a half mile or so. It was a sight to see, I loved it as an event. Everyone was voting Obama.

Movies watched this year:

(In semi-reverse order:)
-I Am Legend - 2.5 stars
-There Will Be Blood - 5 stars
-No Country For Old Men 5 stars
-Elizabeth (from 1998) - 3.5 Stars
-Capote - 4 stars

Also tried watching The Protector but it was too terrible.

Life of Pi

by Yann Martel. Reading this with James. Very very good writing style - Fiction that reads like an autobiography.

New Music

Just some quick mentions of bands I've discovered lately and liked:
-Dan Deacon
-Vampire Weekend
-Wolf Parade
-Holy Fuck
-Dead Meadow
-Kelley Stoltz
-Black Mountain
-Blitzen Trapper

I've followed my musical New Year's resolution by more than 200%. I'm going for extra credit.